Kids & Computers...
Below are our articles on the subject of Kids & Computers. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

How Much Is Too Much Time On The Computer?
How much time kids should spend on computers depends on age – and also on you....

Internet Filters And Internet Safety
What do Internet filters do, and how can they help you and your kids?...

Kids and Gaming on the Computer
Kids love gaming, kids love computers – but should you impose limits of computer gaming time, and what about safety?...

Web Surfing For Kids
How do you find the good places on the Internet for kids and how do you stop them straying?...

What you Need to Know About Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is insidious – but it’s not as anonymous as the bullies might believe it is....

When Should Children Start Using Computers?
When you should start kids on computers depends on a number of things, but do it all gradually....

When Should Kids Be Allowed On Social Networking Sites?
When is a good age for kids to begin using social networking sites, and what information should they be allowed to post?...

When Should Kids be Allowed to Start Instant Messaging?
There’s no real age when you should allow your kids to IM, but there are some general guidelines....

When Your Kids Know More About Computers Than You
Eventually your kids may well know more about computers than you do, so don’t be afraid to learn from them!...

When your Kids Want Their Own Computers
When your kids start clamouring for their own computers, what should you do, and what conditions should you impose?...